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Alpaca Therapy

Scientific research has proven the beneficial effects of interacting with and petting an animal.

Research indicates alpacas have the potential to draw the person out of themselves either by watching, stroking or talking to the alpacas, this takes the focus away from themselves and initiate focus on their external environment. This helps with those that are feeling depressed or overwhelmed reducing stress and anxiety by being around the alpacas, endorphins are released into the body and decrease the chemicals which cause stress. 


Alpaca therapy has been shown to also lower blood pressure as well as reducing stress for some people who find it difficult or are unable to communicate with other people or society in a conventional way (eg. Dementia, Autism etc) it is an opportunity to connect and form a bond which is rewarding and meaningful.

Animals can be an aid to communication as they are not just a good talking point, but they are also useful in assisting with non-verbal communication and have been used when working with people with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit disorder


We tailor each session to suit as we understand that every therapy guest is an individual. 
We welcome enquiries from those looking to organise group visits, private visits or to book us to visit you at your venue if you are unable to visit us for whatever reason.

rasta crunchie
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