Covid Secure
Our venue IS COVID 19 Secure and CAN accommodate social distancing due to:
We are an exclusive venue in the countryside so consider the risk to be lower than other venues (who have an open door policy) –our electric gate is being kept locked.
Loads of outside space.
Benefits: Alpacas are fantastic creatures at putting people at ease. They are known for their loving, friendly and non-judgemental characteristics and are now being used as part of therapy programmes to help people with emotional, physical and stress related problems. Animals can help people to re-focus them on their environment and instigate a feeling of trust in the animal.
Please fully brief yourself on our following Covid 19 guidance.
If you are showing any Covid 19 symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms please cancel your booking up to the day of your walk, but please try and give us as much notice as possible. Don't worry, we will prioritise your rebooking. We reserve the right to turn anyone away that we deem unwell on arriving at the farm.
We have hand sanitising stations at the entrance to the stables, please make use of these. Use of face masks and gloves are at your discretion, please bring your own.
Guests are responsible for keeping to social distancing rules and walks may be with people outside of your household.
Volunteers will keep their distance where possible, and may not wish to use guests phones to take photos. In these instances they can use their own phone and share photos with your afterwards.
Our guidance will be adjusted accordingly as government policy updates.